Thursday, June 12, 2008

Oxygen is good!!

Last night mom had oxygen all night long for the first time. She went to bed around midnight due to the storms, and only woke up at 3 AM because she was hot. She pulled the sheet off, and went back to sleep! She woke up again at 8:50!!!!! Believe me, this is so incredibly rare...I am loving the oxygen!

Due to the storms, our night aide couldn't make it, so I sat up with mom. Actually, I thought the idea of trying to sleep sitting up was silly, so I pulled her old hospital mattress in [yep, the one we've been under during the tornado sirens] and slept on the floor. Comfortable? No...but better than the chair! Think I'll be taking a nice nap today. Mom and Arlene are both doing well this morning, putting their heads together to figure out what this weird rash I have on my shoulder is. The conclusion? Poison sumac or ivy...all I know is that today it itches...and spread. Hooray for something else to worry about!! Sigh...never a dull moment here, that's for sure!!!

Today should be an easier day [except for wanting to scratch my skin off!]. Only a physical therapy appointment for mom. I think Arlene is going to be calling about scheduling the stomach peg for mom [see 'Tornado Fun' blog below] and trying to find a doctor who has done a lot of these types of procedures. That part isn't so fun. It worries us if the doctor is a rookie at these...can't help but wonder why they call the medical field "practice!" Like my dad always said...we want to know the grades they got in college...did they ace the stomach peg part or just pass it? Poor mom again...she has always been terrified of malpractice and the medical field [saw too many while a nurse!] and here she is, having to rely on them.

Well, that's it for now. I'm off to try to save my skin! So not nice...the ladies are laughing at me!!!


Blogger Cadi + 4 said...

And just how did you get into such a mess?? Rolling around in the weeds? What kind of car do you have? Lets see a photo.


June 12, 2008 at 1:42 PM  

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