Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tornado fun

Well, the first batch of bad weather has come and gone, and we are all ok...except for me. I am incredibly upset about my poor car that is stuck outside!! We had some huge hail fall that should have broken windows on the house. I think I would rather have had that happen then anything to my car!! Sigh. I am thankful we are all ok, but it's my car!!!!!! Maybe it's ok...

My aunt and uncle are camped in the basement, but without my brothers and their muscles here, we can't get mom down the stairs. So, she and I are chillin' in the hallway, with her hospital bed mattress over her head. I figure if the roof comes off, I'll duck under with her as much as possible! Neither of us can remember having storms quite this bad go through here. Not fun. So, as we huddle under a mattress, we are trying to figure out the best state to live in with minimal natural disasters!! Not coming up with many. =)

Last night mom had an overnight oximeter test...basically, tests her oxygen levels. Normal is around 96, which is where she is during the day. When a storm woke us all up at 3 AM, she saw it was reading 80...not good. So, she will qualify for medicare to cover oxygen for the evenings. They called with the results today...her lowest point was 79 during her deepest sleep...really not good. Medicare requires a person go at least to 88 points in order for them to cover the cost [don't get me started on Medicare! =)]

This afternoon, mom had a Forced Vital Capacity {FVC} test. This measures her pulmonary, or lung function. Last December, mom was at 115% percent. Today she measured 62.5%. Not necessarily the best of news, but we knew it was going to be low because her diaphragm is so weak. Mom has to do a 'food peg,' or stomach tube before it reaches 50% [so she can still qualify as safe for anesthesia]. So, guess that's going to be our next "adventure." Mom can still eat fine, but according to Arlene and other nurses, it's important to have this tube so we can make sure she's getting the proper protein and nutrition. This will help keep her skin from breaking down and getting sores, and from her getting dehydrated. It was a discouraging day, but not unexpected...just frustrating.

Well, the worst of the storm has passed, and we are all still ok. The roof is even still on the house! We are blessed, as we know there are those out there who were hit hard tonight. Count your blessings...I'm now going to run out in the rain and check on that adorable car of mine!!! =)

Mom's verse for the day: "I will both lay me down in peace and sleep, for Thou, O Lord, only makest me to dwell in safety."


Blogger Jay said...

Glad you weathered the storm! Arizona has few natural disasters, if you don't count the sweltering heat!

p.s. how's the car?

June 12, 2008 at 10:50 AM  
Blogger Martha and Yvonne said...

The car is ok...there are some dents, that I'm sure aren't too noticeable to many...but they are to ME! I'll live...just not too happy about it! Thanks for asking!! =)

June 12, 2008 at 11:19 AM  

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