Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Busy week...

I am so sorry I haven't updated you all in a few days. My class is going, but I'm feeling the pressure as it is all due this week! One big project done, another HUGE one and an exam to go...before Friday at 5:00. I'm hoping to be finished by tomorrow...don't need any more stress! I'll be glad when this is done...and next time? No classes while our lives are in such constant turmoil!! I didn't have a choice on this one, but definitely no more. The poison oak or ivy or whatever itchy thing I have it getting better, but I still can't help much with mom. I had to go to the Dr. to get a signature for my job this fall, so while I was there had him check it out. I'm now all all kinds of pills and creams, and must admit, I'm SO glad...I was going crazy!

So...update on mom. We've had another few rough nights here. This is such a weird disease...every day is truly different, which doesn't help with those of us trying to take care of her. We NEVER know what to expect. Arlene has been beyond amazing, filling in extra full time while I'm "unclean" and unable to actually touch mom [though the thought of her itching like this is beyond cruel!]. I know she's beyond exhausted and is in desperate need for a break as well.

It's taking at least 2 people over an hour to get mom settled into bed at night...and then there's no guarantee she won't have to get up in the middle of the night. Once she's IN bed, there is usually at least one hour of coughing/spitting/etc...sometimes 2-3 hr. Trying to keep her on a strict schedule is proving to be the biggest challenge. We are all so tired...but we are really trying to get her bathed by 9 pm at the latest, so she can be settled hopefully between 10-10:30, and hopefully done with the "issues" and ready for sleep by 12:00. I wish she could just fall asleep...she needs it so badly, as do the rest of us!! We have a ways to go with the scheduling issues...but we really are trying. I'm continually thankful for Arlene, as there is NO way I could still be doing all of this. Mom has gone so far past what I'm able to do, I truly need Arlene's nursing skills. However, also need to get her some breaks...if this silly rash would just go away!

I'll send more updates asap...class is currently coming first!

Here's mom's verse for the day: "The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms..." Deuteronomy 33:27.

"Look, Gamma Joy...I'm in your chair!!!"


Blogger Beth said...


Glad to hear that your class pressure is almost done and that you see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Sorry to hear that you all have had some rough nights. Praying for a restful night for everyone tonight!

June 19, 2008 at 5:00 PM  

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