Thursday, June 26, 2008

Drugs are good!!!

The night of the 24th, mom took Ativan to hopefully help her get some rest. Well, it worked...poor thing remembers coughing at midnight, then waking up at 7:15 with a neck ache from being in the same position too long! Mom hasn't slept more than 4 hours straight in MONTHS! I like drugs...much to mom's despair. She's never been a big pill fact none. However, we can't deny the wonderfulness of sleep! So, I personally like drugs. :) [mom wanted me to say she does not endorse this opinion!!] Last night she slept 5 hours! Good stuff. She seems so much more rested...wonder why! Sleep is a good thing.

Today we started a couple new things the doctor wanted mom to try, hopefully to help get a better hold of this mucus issue. One is this fun nasal spray; here's mom's definition..."it starts out smelling like flowers, and ends up smelling like old rubber tires!" We'll see how all this goes. The respiratory therapist came today to work more on mom's bi-pap machine. We are having the toughest time trying to get that thing to work; but without it, her poor diaphragm is working overtime. Sigh. Truly NEVER a dull moment here.

Ben and Cortney came over with dinner for us entertainment, little Caleb! He sure is a ball of that kid! We all had a great time together...thanks again, Cortney! Dick loved it!!! [us too...good stuff!] After dinner was cleaned up, I kept Caleb busy while Ben and Cortney went through some of Ben's baby pics with mom. I've had a lot of times like this, and wanted them to have some as well. Ben recently saw our original home in Michigan, so enjoyed seeing pics of what it looked like back in the day! I have truly been blessed with some pretty amazing family...wouldn't change any of them for the world.

Today was mom's last day at Physical Therapy; she had to say goodbye to Mike and Carrie, which was tough. Medicare won't continue to cover her going if she's not showing any improvement. Geez...such a nice company, medicare. Seriously? How can she show improvement if she has a terminal disease!???!?! I'd like them to explain that one. Mike is pretty amazing, and showed me how I can keep her muscles and joints properly stretched [so they don't freeze up] while she's sitting in her chair. Not quite as good as he can do, but I'll do my best. It is hard for mom to go outside when it's humid as she can't breathe, so maybe this is for the best. Sure are going to miss their smiling faces, though.

Here are a few pics from this past week I never got around to uploading...enjoy!
David came into town this past weekend!!!

Caleb and his train!

David and Arlene

Ben, Gramma Joy, & Caleb playing catch.

Here it comes, Caleb!!

"I caught it, Gamma!!!"

Nice, Ben!!! Good thing that ball is squishy! [for the record, we all laughed pretty hard!]

David and I...being usual!! :)


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