Monday, June 30, 2008

When it rains...

Well, mom is doing pretty good today...she survived another Doctor appointment...without crying! Oh, AND without a high blood pressure! Goooooo mom!!!!! =) [for the record, I get nervous...insanely so...when having to go to the dentist, so I was feeling her pain]. She did take half a pill for anxiety before going in...that might have helped a wee bit! =)

The appointment was basically to let the main ALS doctor in town meet mom, tell us "why yes, you have ALS & there is no cure" [no, really?] and "yes, you are going to need a food peg (stomach tube for feedings)" [, really? we hadn't heard that before] He was a nice guy...not as cool as the lung doctor, but nice enough...for a neurologist. =) The GI doctor will be calling us to schedule the food peg procedure. Now, must admit mom is NOT looking forward to that. In fact, I know she is praying she quietly slips away in her sleep before having to go through with this. Otherwise, she'll probably have to take at least 3 of those "happy pills" as I call them. I might have to take at least 2 myself. I'm used to being the patient [5 knee surgeries, 3 of those mom was there waiting for me]...I don't do too well being stuck waiting! You should have seen me during her lumpectomy for cancer...I was a wreck!'s the fun stuff. When it rains, especially this summer here in the Midwest, it REALLY POURS!!!!! My dear uncle Dick, found himself admitted into the ER on Sunday...and now has a comfy room there which he'll get to keep for a few more days. Curious? Yeah, it pours here!! He had been having weird dizzy spells so spent this past week going to the Dr. for MRI's, CAT scans, etc...his heart has been irregular, and they can't quite figure out what it is. Sunday, his chest hurt, so off he and Arlene went to the ER. Turns out, Dick has pneumonia [they're still pumping him full of antibiotics through IV] and, they are still doing all kinds of tests to check out his heart. Needless to say, poor Arlene has spent many hours up with him, then home at night to help me get mom ready for bed...then back to him again in the morning. Seriously, we have enough character!!!! We don't need any more!!!!! Sigh...TRULY never a dull moment!

I must run, my dear mother is falling asleep in her chair...which I know is truly a "pain in her butt," especially after so many hours being stuck in it today. Thanks again for all your prayers...will send out a message from her tomorrow!


Blogger Beth said...

I am continually amazed by your positive attitude, even when times are incredibly rough! You are an encouragement!

July 1, 2008 at 6:17 AM  

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