Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bedside vigil...

Mom isn't doing so good this morning. Her breathing is very weak...she's gasping for air, and has a horrible headache [which we know is due to the oxygen and her body not able to kick out the O2...however, she can't breathe without it]. Arlene and I are sitting next to her, holding her hands, stroking her hair, etc. She is calmest with one of her family members sitting next to her. So, we sit...and pray. I don't think you're ever ready to lose a parent, yet I'm so ready for mom to be at peace and not in pain anymore. We were talking last night [she can still kinda whisper] and she said she's still praying "Thy will be done" and "In everything, give thanks." That last one is the tough one, she said. I'm continually amazed at how she keeps such a strong faith through this all. I am not sure I could be doing that if I were in her shoes. What a great example she is to us all.

Keep praying for her continued comfort. She's beyond miserable today and this whole 'not being able to breathe' stuff just sucks. Currently, she's rallied a bit...again...and is doing better. This is where the emotional roller coaster is getting old..and tiring! We just never know what to expect, when the end is near, etc. She shouldn't still be here, yet she is still hanging on somehow. Arlene and I are both exhausted, and continue to try to remain upbeat for mom and give each other times to rest. I'm not sure how to pray for her, except that God will spare her from suffering. It's such a tough thing...wouldn't wish this on anyone.

That's about it for now...will keep on keeping you posted. Thanks again for all the support.


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