Friday, August 15, 2008

More on mom...

Hello again. What a busy few weeks it has been! My classroom is looking somewhat ok for the beginning of the year, though I still have some things I'd like to do...later is fine with me! =) I brought home all my old lesson plans from Alaska and hopefully tomorrow I'll get the chance to actually write down some plans. I'd like to do it on the school laptop I'm supposed to get, but since I don't have it yet, think I'll do the "old-fashioned way" and hand write them. I could do them on my computer, but then won't be able to transfer to the school's MAC when I get it. I have a basic idea of what I want to do, just have to make sure I notate it correctly, with all those fun standards listed. I'm exhausted and realize I need to find a way to sleep more, but other than that I'm good. Arlene is equally as tired, and we try to give each other a few minutes each evening to just sit and/or close our eyes for a few moments. It's amazing what a few minutes of rest can do for a person.

Tonight we received a great blessing...a family from Arlene and Dick's church wanted to know if they could help in any way. Their son [with his dad] came over and mowed our yard and trimmed the hedges...and asked Arlene if they could bring over some meals. They've arranged for us to have dinner for tonight as well as the next 6 nights! I'm blown away by how thoughtful they are. It is a HUGE help for me to come home from work [incredibly tired] and to have dinner already done. Dick has to eat on a regular schedule, so it's hard to get it all done by the time I get home. Plus, even with a caregiver here, it's next to impossible to get anything done around here. So getting a meal out the same time every day? Yeah, right! Also, the emotional strain Arlene and I are feeling is pretty's nice to have at least one 'thing to do' marked off! Many people have offered to help, but we seem to be unable to make a decision as to what we need most help with! This couple just said they'd do it...what a blessing!!! is mom doing. Well, I guess that depends. We have wonderful dinner being brought in, but mom can't eat it. For the most part, she ate her last food yesterday. No matter how smooth the food is, she's choking it back up. So...after a late AM full of coughing/spitting/choking, she coughed up most of the food. So, no more food. It's not as heartless as it sounds; she is getting IV feedings/nutrients. However, she does still feel hunger, which has to just suck. She's definitely weaker, even from this morning. Morning and evening are tough for mom. In the AM, she's dealing with the insanely dry mouth but mucus from the sinuses; in the PM she's so weak and just worn out, which makes her more emotional. And then add the constant needing help with coughing...her diaphragm is shot...not doing much at all anymore. Most of her breathing is very labored. This morning didn't look so good...but after a few hours of extreme stress, Arlene and the nurse said she had a really good afternoon. Then evening hits and it's back to tough stuff again.

How much time do we have? We honestly can't tell you. I know people are wondering [as are we], but with this disease there is truly no way of knowing for sure. What most patients with ALS seem to pass away from is sheer exhaustion. I believe that. Poor mom...she's gasping for breath a good portion of the time now. Arlene did say she's be surprised if mom was still here in a month...but she could surprise us. We just don't know.

David and our friend Bill are in town for the weekend for the Offutt Air Show...yep, more blowing stuff up! I'm staying home with mom tomorrow [Sat] so Dave can work the show and Arlene and Dick can get away for a day...they wanna go watch the show! Sunday Dave's going to sit with mom [with other help, too of course] while I go relieve some stress! =) Ben's in charge of the show, and us 3 kids did it last year together while dad was at another one. Should be a good time!

Tonight Dave and Bill brought out their guitars and sang for a good few was grinning from ear to ear!!!!! We sang through praise songs, old hymns, oldies, popular songs today, etc. So much fun! Dave and Bill sound really good together...they could be brothers they blend so well! It did mom's heart good...thanks boys!!!!! My dear friend Meghan and her husband Shawn stopped by to say hi and were here through the 'concert'...was really good to have them with us! Mom loves having her family and close friends close by...does her heart wonders! Thanks to you all for being here!!

Well, I'm beat and must sleep. I know I can't tell much, but hope this helped you all a bit in knowing where mom stands. Thanks again for all the prayers...they are most definitely felt!!

Well, that's about it for updates here. Kinda about the same, just getting a bit closer to heaven each day. Thanks again for everything!


Blogger Beth said...

Just wanted you to know I've been thinking about and praying for you and your mom. Hang in there.

August 18, 2008 at 4:37 PM  

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