Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Hello again. Well, I officially survived the first day with students! It's insanely busy, as the beginning of every year is, but it's going ok. I can honestly say my mind isn't completely here at work, but know that's completely understandable! It is a challenge to try to get things done for work, spend time with mom, and try to sleep at least a few hours in a row, but I know it'll all work out...eventually! =)

Mom had a pretty good weekend. David worked with pyrotechnics at the airshow on Saturday, then stayed home with mom on Sunday while I went and did the pyro. Saturday was a really good day for mom! A volunteer from Arlene's church [the one who has organized dinner being brought to us...saves us a TON of time!] brought her daughter over to play her violin for mom. They sat on the front porch, listened to music, birds were chirping....really a great afternoon! Cortney, Caleb and her sister in law and two kids came over to see mom...bringing Cortney's mom as well! The house felt kinda like grand central station for awhile there, but mom was doing pretty good all day, and smiled a bunch! Towards evening started the coughing/choking stuff, but did pretty good during the day. Oh, Arlene and Dick went to the show on Saturday so Dick could see the plane he flew in during the Korean War! He had a great time! Sunday mom did pretty good, too...just lots of choking spells. These wear her out SO much...wish they'd lighten up a bit for her.

Sunday night was a bad sleep night for mom. She was up most of it with a rapid pulse and hyperventilating...just couldn't get air in. She did pretty good during the day on Monday...even got a decent nap in! She did start having more troubles with trying to swallow, though. That's not good. Ben, Cortney and Caleb came over for a bit to say goodbye to 'uncle Dave' and spend a little bit with mom. She did pretty good while they were there, but towards evening again it started up. I'm not sure how she did last night, but I'll let you know when I do. 

All things considered, it was a good weekend. Mom saw lots of family and friends, and truly knows how loved she is! I have some pics I'll try to post tonight... she looks good, it's hard to believe she's as bad as she is. Her diaphragm is weaker still...not too much left of it. Her breathing is definitely slower, which just sucks. However, I know I'll see her again...if not here on earth then in Heaven, so really it's a win win for us both.  Just tough getting there.

Back to work I go...just wanted to shoot you all a quick update. Thanks again for the continued thoughts and prayers...they are needed and appreciated.


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