Monday, July 7, 2008

Finally...more pictures!

Here are the pictures from 4th of July at Ben's and from mom's morning breakfast with Caleb. Glad I am finally getting these out to you!

Mom's doing ok, but definitely getting weaker. Her tongue and throat muscles are starting to weaken and her coughing spells are getting longer and much, much, much scarier. She is still able to talk, though usually has to have oxygen to do so at any length, and her speech is starting to slur a bit as well. Arlene and Dick are supposed to be going out of town for the week, and we both know by the time she gets back this weekend, we'll more than likely be using the hoyer lift to move mom. [this is a special machine that kinda looks like a fork lift; we put this canvas holding around mom, then attach the straps to the 'bar'...and press a button and it lifts her for us. We then move her around suspended in this to where we need her, then lower her. We've been trained on how to use it, but it's much easier with two people working it. Mom isn't too excited that we are closer to this stage. The hoyer lift doesn't look too comfortable, either...but when mom can't move it's the only option we have.]

As we figured out at Ben's on the 4th, mom is no longer able to move her legs; she can shift her body, but can't lift her foot anymore and move it. So, one of us tilts her, the other moves her foot for her. She's also having a hard time standing up. We'll pick her up, and yes, she's just about dead weight these days [thank goodness for the world's BEST chiropractor!!!!!!!], then rotate her. However, she is starting to have trouble with straightening her back on her own, which creates more breathing issues as well as anxiety. Mom has been really good at being willing to take pills to help with the anxiety. She never has been a big fan of prescription meds, but as her body starts slowing down, they definitely help...a ton!

I am getting the chance to take a much needed break from here July 15-30 [details to come!], so have been hiring caregivers and arranging hours for people to be here to cover me. I am realizing that I do a TON!! If I ever thought I wasn't much help, those thoughts are gone...I'm a hard person to replace! I feel bad about leaving, but know that I need to get away and clear my head, focus on me for a change, and get my perspective I can come back to the challenges here with renewed strength. We are starting to get everything in order, now just have to make the detailed lists on how I function each day...which is exhausting just reading all we do here!

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers...we couldn't do this without you! Arlene and I actually had a chance to sit down last night and just talk while 2 caregivers got mom situated [one on her way home, the other just arriving]. It was really good to talk to each other about mom's condition, what to expect, and just talk. It was also encouraging to hear Arlene say that this has turned into heavy care...I thought I was just getting weak! As mom's condition gets worse, we know all our nerves are going to be a wee bit wacko, but it's nice to know we'll be here for each other...'cause there's no denying it, what we are doing here is rewarding, but beyond taxing...and exhausting...and by far the most emotionally draining experience I've ever had.

I feel so much older than I actually am, and Arlene put it well; I've experienced life, in a way that most people don't until they are much older. There's a good reason I feel out of touch with most of my friends...we are on completely different pages as I've been given an awful lot these past almost 2 years. I've, the tough stuff happened. And though I'd give anything to have my dad back and to keep mom a little longer, I wouldn't change the time we've had together for anything.
What a cutie!!!!!

"Look, Gamma cars!!!" Caleb LOVES putting things in rows!

"'s my truck!!!!"

I tried for quite a while, and couldn't figure it Ben and mom are trying to remember how we made a figure 8 out of our old train set...never did get the whole thing done, it's harder than it looks!! We'll have to try again...

Another generation enjoys a GREAT toy!! This was always one of us West kiddos' favorites!

Enjoying good people, BBQ, and many little kids running everywhere!
Caleb rode his bike literally ALL night! He had so much energy...too cute!
"Uncle Dick...did you see the fireworks?"
Dick, Arlene, Mom, and Ben enjoying all the fireworks from the view at the end of Ben's street. You could see every town's displays...beautiful! We had a great time...thanks Ben and Cortney! By the time we got mom home and ready for bed, she slept the whole night through...we were all exhausted, but had a wonderful time!


Blogger me said...

Muff, you're amazing. I've been doing some heavy duty praying for you, Arlene, and Yvonne. Let me know if there's a way I can be of encouragement or help, since my work season is about over. ~Nae

July 7, 2008 at 9:54 AM  

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