Mom is Dave
My mother went to see her Father in Heaven today - in a truly beautiful, yet heart wrenching way. My sister and I were holding mom's hands, my sister-in-law went to get our brother, and we started singing "Jesus Loves Me". Mom shed her final tie and fell into the open and loving arms of her Savior.
It was beautiful, it is sad, it is a relief, it is a loss. I find myself sitting alone trying to think of ways to verbalize the emotions I am feeling, but so far, I am only able to find a dull ache.
I know mom is in Heaven, of this I do not doubt. But, being who my mother is, I know that the moment she arrived, she began to pray for us back here, and seek ways to serve the way only a heavenly bodied person can.
I sat in her room today, astounded by how many books were just in her room, not to mention all those throughout the house and garage. Thousands upon thousands of titles passed through her hands, each she poured over, each she learned from, each she retained. I have no idea how she accomplished reading so many, and yet still have time to pour her life into all those that came into contact with her.
I must say though - I miss her voice. I miss her smile and laughter, the way her eyes twinkled when she was happy, her strange yet addictive sense of humor. My mom knew how to have a good time. My mom was the most amazing woman I have ever known.
I miss my mom. But I am comforted that I will see her again. All I can do now is live my life remembering the wisdom she imparted to me, the knowledge she taught me, and the messages she shared with me.
Please, join with me through my tears and I praise the Lord for bringing home His loyal and loving servant - one more creation made beautifully perfect, one more child home at last.
"Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints."
We mourn with you, dear ones.
May GOD's peace & comfort be yours as you think of your precious mom now in His loving presence.
"Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?
...thanks be to GOD!
HE gives us the victory
through our Lord Jesus Christ."
We love you & are praying for you.
Bill & Carol Clark
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