Friday, September 12, 2008

address correction

Calvary Christian Church is BETWEEN 25th and 36th st. on Cornhusker. It's up on the hill on the left [if coming from 25th st.] Really hard to miss!

Service is at 11:00am.

Thank you for the continued prayers...this is tough.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

More service details...

Thanks for all the cards, flowers, and general support you've all shown this past week. You have made us all smile!

We're had several questions about the picnic, so here's more info for you...

The picnic is going to be "potluck style"...the West family will be supplying the tableware, drinks and sandwiches. Please feel free to bring something to share, along with chairs for yourself and your family!

We look forward to seeing you all there! {Those of you who can make it...we know many of you will be in our thoughts as we are in yours!}

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Hello dear family and friends. I wanted to update you all on the service details for mom. Today was a long day with lots of decisions to be made. Many mom had helped make herself, but we still had a lot to do. It hit me hard about 4:00 pm mom is gone. Though she is much happier now, the person that I have devoted all my time to the past 15 months, is no longer here. I think Arlene and I both are feeling this...what are we going to do with all our free time. And honestly, if mom wouldn't have been so sick, I would gladly have sacrificed any other free time just to still have her here. This is definitely going to take time.

Due to the number of out of town friends and family, we decided to have a service next week.

A memorial service and celebration of life will be held at 11:00 am Saturday, September 13, 2008 at Calvary Christian Church, 10100 Cedar Island Rd., Bellevue, NE with a picnic at Swanson Park to follow [park is across the street...same road as the fire department, park is off to the left]. Mom really wanted a picnic...a time for family and friends to spend time together, and rejoice in the fact that our dear mother has reached her eternal home!

The home address here is 301 Orchard Drive Bellevue, NE 68005.

Memorials can be made to ALS in the Heartland or to Ravi Zacharias International Ministries {a favorite of mom’s!!}, 4725 Peachtree Corners Circle Suite 250, Norcross, GA 30092.
Mom had written a final note...I'll try to get that out to you soon. I tried today, but ended up unable to read the computer screen! Tomorrow might be a better day to try again. Keep checking this blog, as it's truly the easiest way for me to communicate with you.

Thanks to you all..

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mom is Dave

My mother went to see her Father in Heaven today - in a truly beautiful, yet heart wrenching way. My sister and I were holding mom's hands, my sister-in-law went to get our brother, and we started singing "Jesus Loves Me". Mom shed her final tie and fell into the open and loving arms of her Savior.

It was beautiful, it is sad, it is a relief, it is a loss. I find myself sitting alone trying to think of ways to verbalize the emotions I am feeling, but so far, I am only able to find a dull ache.

I know mom is in Heaven, of this I do not doubt. But, being who my mother is, I know that the moment she arrived, she began to pray for us back here, and seek ways to serve the way only a heavenly bodied person can.
I sat in her room today, astounded by how many books were just in her room, not to mention all those throughout the house and garage. Thousands upon thousands of titles passed through her hands, each she poured over, each she learned from, each she retained. I have no idea how she accomplished reading so many, and yet still have time to pour her life into all those that came into contact with her.
I must say though - I miss her voice. I miss her smile and laughter, the way her eyes twinkled when she was happy, her strange yet addictive sense of humor. My mom knew how to have a good time. My mom was the most amazing woman I have ever known.

I miss my mom. But I am comforted that I will see her again. All I can do now is live my life remembering the wisdom she imparted to me, the knowledge she taught me, and the messages she shared with me.

Please, join with me through my tears and I praise the Lord for bringing home His loyal and loving servant - one more creation made beautifully perfect, one more child home at last.

Today, the saints rejoice and sing to the Most High. Today, Jesus brought my Mom home.
Our wonderful Mother - may we always remember your wisdom.

At Peace...

It is with a sad, yet grateful heart that I tell you at 2:00 pm today my mom went home to be with Jesus. We miss her terribly, yet are so thankful she is able to sing, talk, run, play her harp, and most importantly, see her Savior face to face!

David and I were sitting on either side of mom, holding her hands...Cortney was standing beside me. I commented that mom wasn't looking so good, and she went to get Ben. David and I started singing "Jesus Loves Me" [with some great harmony!]. I started singing the second verse; "Jesus loves me, He who died...Heaven's gates to open wide [mom took a big breath then]...He will wash away my sin...Let my mommy, enter in." During the chorus, Ben, Cortney, Arlene, and our neighbor Maureen came in the room...and mom was already gone. She went peacefully in her sleep...there was no struggle for breath, no fear...just peace.

We are still making arrangements for mom's service, as we know she touched many, many lives...way more than she even realized. I need to make some calls tomorrow, but will keep you posted. Our thoughts are something next Saturday, September 12, but nothing is final yet.

Thank you for your amazing love, support, and prayers during this tough time.

John 14:1-6
" 'Do not let your hearts be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I got to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you many be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.'

Thomas said to Him, 'Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?'

Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

Wednesday, 9-3

Last night Ben, Cortney and Caleb decided to stay the night so they could be closer to mom. Cortney stayed on the couch, with her two men making "nests" on the floor! Caleb loves, absolutely LOVES making 'nests' with blankets and pillows, and was quite excited about getting to stay over with "Uncle Marta." [we've tried to get him to say the last attempt, he said, 'but Marta, I'M a BOY!' Hard to fight that kinda logic! So, uncle marta it is =)]

I sat up with mom pretty late [as did Dave...he fell asleep holding her hand..again], then went to bed [we still have caregivers coming in so we can step away for a bit]. Ben got up at 5 and took his turn sitting in with mom. As I write this, he's back in there reading "Tales of the Kingdom" and "Tales of the Resistance" by David Mains [mom read those to us at the dinner table when we were, we had the stories on tape! David [our dave] said David Mains' voice still puts him to sleep!]. Earlier this morning mom's pulse dropped, so Arlene got Ben up. It didn't take too long before her pulse was back up. [so they let Dave and I try to sleep] Ben walked in and said he'd sit up with her anyway. Mom's always been such a fighter and a strong woman, we really shouldn't be too surprised that her heart is still so strong. But how we ache for her being in this position...we want her to enjoy Heaven!

Last night 2 girlfriends stopped by with batteries [for the fan next to mom's bed...the air flow helps her breathe] and with blizzards for Dave and I...Ben wasn't here yet]. It was so good to see these two! [Plus, ice cream always helps. =)] They were a huge help after Dad passed away, and these two helped David redecorate the bedroom for mom when I brought her back. We all have busy lives, but they know how to be there when you really need them. Thanks ladies!

This morning 2 ladies from my school dropped by with arms full of food...some for now, some for the freezer for when we need it. I did really well while they were here, but after they left? Broke down and just cried. I was telling mom all about the supportive school I am a part of [which I knew it was going to was SO glad I got this school! Called it a HUGE answer to prayer!!]. While telling her, I kinda lost it. She so wanted to be a part of me decorate for the Christmas show, help me come up with fun lessons, etc. I know her heart was hurting for having to leave us so soon. A bunch of the staff brought in all kinds of food for us...much that can be frozen and brought out now or when things calm down and eating is the last thing we want to do. How thankful I am for my school! The past two weeks work has kicked my's just too much with everything with mom...but now? How incredibly thankful I am for them all.

Well, I'm headed in to sit next to mom. While she was still able to talk to us a bit, she told me thank you for sitting she struggles to breathe, she's just scared...understandably! I know it's comforting to her to have us kids by her side. How we pray she'll just slip away in her sleep. Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers...will write more later.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tuesday afternoon

Well, mom finally fell asleep, poor thing. I much prefer her sleeping...feel as if she doesn't realize all that's happening as much this way. She's still biting down on the sponge we use to wet her mouth, so she's still "with" us...just not fully...she's ready for heaven. The guitar playing this am went well...I even made it through a few songs with Dave! He's much, much better, and that's ok. [for now! gotta love sibling competition!! =)]

This afternoon Dave and I fell asleep with each of us on one side of mom's bed, our heads resting on the bed, holding onto one of her hands. She seems to be somewhat calm...highly doubt she's comfortable...but at least she's not awake and looking scared like she was earlier today. Neither of us can leave her side...just want to help her so much. Her heartbeat is still steady, though not as strong as yesterday [says Arlene]. Oh, for mom's sake, how I hope this doesn't keep lingering. That's all for now...

Tuesday morning

Mom was about the same this morning...we changed her shirt, repositioned her a bit, etc. Then, she opened her eyes! She looked like she was so I know she definitely wasn't she is. I called to Arlene to get a shot ready, as mom was definitely needing one. She kept looking towards me, raising an eyebrow here and there, so I ran and got David so he could be here for her more awake moments. That was a few hours ago...she's still awake and pretty miserable, but looking at us. She's tried coughing a few times, and I know her lungs are starting to fill up...she keeps trying to cough stuff up, but really is too weak to do so. This has to be so scary for her....'cause it's terrifying for us!

Dave is in with her right now, playing his guitar [he got really good...darn kid...he beat me! yeah..we have some competition still! =)] and singing to her. I brought mine upstairs and am going to attempt at joining him. I have a feeling I'll do more singing and only play a few chords here and there, but that's ok. Know mom is comforted having us with her.

Thanks for all the notes coming this way...I'm reading them all to mom!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Dave is here

Well, our dear brother made it home. How I know mom loves hearing that kids voice! The sad part, is that by a little after noon today, mom became too weak to even open her eyes...and definitely no head movements. When we swab her mouth with a sponge to help keep it moist, she bites down on she's definitely "with it" in her brain. Her poor body is another story. We re-situated her in her bed today...that was so hard [emotionally for me] to do. I held her up while Arlene changed the pillows under her, and then Dave held her up while we repositioned back pillows. Her breathing was so labored, but you can see how strong her heart is yet. I just held onto her small frame, feeling bones where she used to be soft, and yearned to be able to take away even a fraction of her pain and discomfort. I know we need to prepare ourselves...she could continue like this for days yet...but it's breaking my heart...I want her to be at peace. The "good" part is that her diaphragm is weak, so she probably can't continue as long as some people do. I want mom to go to heaven and sit with her heavenly Father...and keep an eye out for us kids!

~~Arlene just said she doesn't think she's that uncomfortable. Her forehead hasn't wrinkled up, the isn't grimacing or frowning...she just lays there. I'm sure part of that is she can't move anymore, but I hope she's right...I don't want mom to suffer.

All three of us kids sat around her bedside, praying, singing, just letting her know how much we love and appreciate her...and many, many tears. Ben at one point put his head down, and put mom's hand over his head...and she moved her thumb!! I lost it. I wonder if she's aware of how scary this is...or is she out of it enough that she feels very little discomfort? I'm hoping for the latter. I know when we moved her she wasn't comfortable...poor thing. I'm so glad we've had months [many long, long months] of getting her situated so we know what feels best. However, my poor heart is completely crushed. I don't want mom to be in pain anymore, but how I'm going to miss her so.

We're taking turns sitting with her...and I know we're all feeling pretty sick due to emotional stuff. We're continuing to receive delicious meals from people in the community and are completely overwhelmed by the number of people who are supporting and praying for us. My assistant principal came over today to get my lesson plans, so I don't have to go into school tomorrow. I will be here at home until this is over, and my entire school is backing me in blessed I am to be working with such great people! They keep telling me not to worry...just spend the time with mom.

I'm so glad many of you are reading these and keeping mom in your prayers. I must admit, they are getting really hard to write! My hands keep shaking, and my eyes are so full of tears I can hardly see what I'm typing. I apologize for any huge misspellings! I'll keep them coming, as I know there is an incredible amount of power in prayer. Much love to you all, Martha

Mom...from my "little" brother, David

My "little" brother David wrote this says exactly what I wanted to say. Thanks Dave, for finding the words when I could not.
What is the legacy of a man or a woman than simply what your affect you had on those you left behind. To live a great life, enjoy everything and anything, but to share it with no one means you effectively did nothing.

Who can fathom living this life without sharing at least parts of it with others. We are a creation bent towards relationships of some kind - even those who are mentally incapacitated crave human interaction.

My mother is lying in bed, struggling with the binds that tie her to this mortal coil. All of the intricacies of humanity bind us to fight for living - all life will fight to continue in some fashion. My mother's heart is beating strong, a willful person sold on God's promises and pouring her life and His joy into others, it is no wonder that her heart is the last piece to go.

She is in pain, she is struggling to shed these chains of mortality, but she is looking to the Father for His blessing. She continues to pray "Your will be done" and praises God for all the moments of life, the good and the bad. A faith like hers is an example to all of us - throughout this disease, throughout the pain and suffering, and losing control of her own body, she continues to praise the God from whom all blessings flow.

I have to admit, selfishly I am asking that God take her home, to end her suffering. I struggle to know what she is going through, even though I am not physically with her. I..I I I - its always about me. A lesson for us all, that through the darkness, there is a light. Through the hatred and fear, there is hope. My mother has found that hope, and it guided her through the trials and tribulations that this fallen Earth gave her.Through sin we have all fallen, but through Grace and Love, we can be free. We still must face the sinful nature that is in all of us, but though we fall time and again, God promised us in a way only a Father could that all would be forgiven if we surrender our lives to Him. If we give up our will, our selfish desires, our right to think that we know what is best, and follow the perfect ways of the Father - we will be blessed, either here or after.

My mom is looking forward to heaven. She is prepared to be one of the Saints praying on behalf of humanity. She is looking to spreading her arms wide and falling into the insurmountable arms of Jesus and being held close to His perfect body as He heals all her ailments. She is going to run with the perfect body she was promised, sing praises to the Lord at the top of her lungs, play beautiful music, and share in the joy of being with the Lord with all those who have gone before. She will see her parents again, healthy and strong. She will see my father again, with all the past pain forgotten. She will see the angels who protected and guided her throughout her life, who manifested themselves in so many different ways. She undoubtedly will scoop up all the unborn children who never had the chance to experience life because of our selfishness and cover them with kisses and hugs.

My mom is looking forward to heaven, and knows she is going because of the promise of the Lord. I can only imagine the pain, but the fulfilling joy is something I to desire out of life.

My mom is dying, but it is only the beginning. My mom is going to heaven.

Prayer... dear, strong, amazing mom...I don't think she's going to be here on earth much longer. Arlene was surprised that she made it through the night...and we're making adjustments as we don't think there's any way we can get her out of bed today, for any reason. They let me sleep 5 hours straight last night! I woke up with a start, and rushed upstairs to find mom with her eyes closed, but tossing and turning. Her last round of meds didn't help her sleep like they usually do. I talked with her, and even managed to get a prayer out [yesterday that was a wee bit of a challenge...good stuff in my head, but had a hard time vocalizing it]. I sat next to her, holding her hand and whispering to her...knowing that she can hear me.

Last night was another rough one for mom..she didn't even want the music on, which she always listens to [Jeff...that's your CD of hymns I'm talking she loves those!]. This morning Arlene came in and talked with opened her eyes and can blink responses, but they're pretty slow. This is yet another reason I dislike this disease! Mom's body is shutting down fast, yet her amazing brain, full of information I haven't gotten enough of, is still 1,000% there.

There's no telling how much longer we have, but mom's breathing is so shallow...and her pulse racing so much...we don't think we have too much longer. I'm taking turns sitting with mom this morning...and when not sitting there, I'm out in the kitchen, trying to get my "sub friendly" lesson plans done so I don't have to go to work. I know, I shouldn't be worrying about these, but they need to get done...and they're kinda a good distraction from the constant flow of tears.

A very dear friend of mom's wrote this to us yesterday...stuff we all know, yet was so good to hear again...
"When you comment about how we wonder why God allows situations to come into our lives, I have learned that sometimes it is to reach/influence someone that we would not even be aware their spirit was being touched for God through our circumstances. (But, I also know that does not make it any less difficult for you, where you're at presently)."

Mom was always one to help others, it makes sense that in her final days, God is using her still.
Her friend also wrote a great prayer for mom.... "I guess my prayer for your mom is that she can simply fall asleep in Jesus' arms without struggle and wake in the light of Glory where she can behold all Heaven is."

Keep lifting mom up in your prayers...

~~~Mom's heartbeat is still really strong, but the rest of her has pretty much shut down. We put a catheter in can tell she still has muscle control and she can still look at us, just can't respond. Our dear caregiver said to watch for her heartbeat slowing...she's seen patients continue like this for days with a strong heartbeat. We all know how strong mom's heart is, now I'm just praying God weakens a bit so she can finally be home.