Monday, June 30, 2008

When it rains...

Well, mom is doing pretty good today...she survived another Doctor appointment...without crying! Oh, AND without a high blood pressure! Goooooo mom!!!!! =) [for the record, I get nervous...insanely so...when having to go to the dentist, so I was feeling her pain]. She did take half a pill for anxiety before going in...that might have helped a wee bit! =)

The appointment was basically to let the main ALS doctor in town meet mom, tell us "why yes, you have ALS & there is no cure" [no, really?] and "yes, you are going to need a food peg (stomach tube for feedings)" [, really? we hadn't heard that before] He was a nice guy...not as cool as the lung doctor, but nice enough...for a neurologist. =) The GI doctor will be calling us to schedule the food peg procedure. Now, must admit mom is NOT looking forward to that. In fact, I know she is praying she quietly slips away in her sleep before having to go through with this. Otherwise, she'll probably have to take at least 3 of those "happy pills" as I call them. I might have to take at least 2 myself. I'm used to being the patient [5 knee surgeries, 3 of those mom was there waiting for me]...I don't do too well being stuck waiting! You should have seen me during her lumpectomy for cancer...I was a wreck!'s the fun stuff. When it rains, especially this summer here in the Midwest, it REALLY POURS!!!!! My dear uncle Dick, found himself admitted into the ER on Sunday...and now has a comfy room there which he'll get to keep for a few more days. Curious? Yeah, it pours here!! He had been having weird dizzy spells so spent this past week going to the Dr. for MRI's, CAT scans, etc...his heart has been irregular, and they can't quite figure out what it is. Sunday, his chest hurt, so off he and Arlene went to the ER. Turns out, Dick has pneumonia [they're still pumping him full of antibiotics through IV] and, they are still doing all kinds of tests to check out his heart. Needless to say, poor Arlene has spent many hours up with him, then home at night to help me get mom ready for bed...then back to him again in the morning. Seriously, we have enough character!!!! We don't need any more!!!!! Sigh...TRULY never a dull moment!

I must run, my dear mother is falling asleep in her chair...which I know is truly a "pain in her butt," especially after so many hours being stuck in it today. Thanks again for all your prayers...will send out a message from her tomorrow!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Day at the Hanger

Mom & I at the museum.

Mom, Ben, & his L-3.

On Saturday the 29th, Mom and I drove out to the Council Bluffs CAF Hanger, where Ben has a plane! He's part owner of one, and mom and I hadn't seen it, off we went. We had a great afternoon, having Ben show us his plane and then the CAF museum. Mom had been there years ago when they were first starting the museum, and we enjoyed looking around and seeing how MUCH it has grown! Quite a few of the model airplanes hanging in there were done by Ben and my dad...brought back many memories. There were a bunch of guys there, working on their planes and the P-51 Mustang [had just taken the engine out] and they grilled lunch...and asked mom and I to join! We've known many of these men since I was a little kid, so it was great to see them all again! I love hangers...just a fun place to hang out. =) We were a little impressed that Ben knows what he's talking about! hee hee...sorry Ben, couldn't resist! Here are a few pictures from our outing...
That has to be a GREAT view!

Ben showing us the parts that were replaced.

Ben & Mom checking out the added displays.

Checking out the Mustang with no engine.

Pretty awesome wall-art!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Drugs are good!!!

The night of the 24th, mom took Ativan to hopefully help her get some rest. Well, it worked...poor thing remembers coughing at midnight, then waking up at 7:15 with a neck ache from being in the same position too long! Mom hasn't slept more than 4 hours straight in MONTHS! I like drugs...much to mom's despair. She's never been a big pill fact none. However, we can't deny the wonderfulness of sleep! So, I personally like drugs. :) [mom wanted me to say she does not endorse this opinion!!] Last night she slept 5 hours! Good stuff. She seems so much more rested...wonder why! Sleep is a good thing.

Today we started a couple new things the doctor wanted mom to try, hopefully to help get a better hold of this mucus issue. One is this fun nasal spray; here's mom's definition..."it starts out smelling like flowers, and ends up smelling like old rubber tires!" We'll see how all this goes. The respiratory therapist came today to work more on mom's bi-pap machine. We are having the toughest time trying to get that thing to work; but without it, her poor diaphragm is working overtime. Sigh. Truly NEVER a dull moment here.

Ben and Cortney came over with dinner for us entertainment, little Caleb! He sure is a ball of that kid! We all had a great time together...thanks again, Cortney! Dick loved it!!! [us too...good stuff!] After dinner was cleaned up, I kept Caleb busy while Ben and Cortney went through some of Ben's baby pics with mom. I've had a lot of times like this, and wanted them to have some as well. Ben recently saw our original home in Michigan, so enjoyed seeing pics of what it looked like back in the day! I have truly been blessed with some pretty amazing family...wouldn't change any of them for the world.

Today was mom's last day at Physical Therapy; she had to say goodbye to Mike and Carrie, which was tough. Medicare won't continue to cover her going if she's not showing any improvement. Geez...such a nice company, medicare. Seriously? How can she show improvement if she has a terminal disease!???!?! I'd like them to explain that one. Mike is pretty amazing, and showed me how I can keep her muscles and joints properly stretched [so they don't freeze up] while she's sitting in her chair. Not quite as good as he can do, but I'll do my best. It is hard for mom to go outside when it's humid as she can't breathe, so maybe this is for the best. Sure are going to miss their smiling faces, though.

Here are a few pics from this past week I never got around to uploading...enjoy!
David came into town this past weekend!!!

Caleb and his train!

David and Arlene

Ben, Gramma Joy, & Caleb playing catch.

Here it comes, Caleb!!

"I caught it, Gamma!!!"

Nice, Ben!!! Good thing that ball is squishy! [for the record, we all laughed pretty hard!]

David and I...being usual!! :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

June 24th appointment

Today was a stressful day for my dear mom. She had an appointment at the University of NE Medical Center, the name alone which kinda freaked her out a bit [understandably...that's a HUGE hospital, and we all know how much mom doesn't like hospitals!]. Her appointment today was with a pulmonologist; a lung specialist. Mom has a breathing machine for the nights [a bi-pap], however we've tried for MONTHS to get it to work right, to no avail. It's been so incredibly frustrating, and recently the respiratory place said they couldn't help adjust the machine anymore without a doctor's orders. Annoying. Personally, I think they didn't know what they were doing.

So, off we went to a lung doctor. Mom was pretty nervous, until she finally met him...he was super, super, super nice, which made us all calm down...a ton. We spent 4 hours in his office today, while he did way more than any of us thought he would. He has worked with quite a few ALS patients before, and was genuinely concerned that she isn't able to get more than 3 hours of sleep one can function on that. He gave us quite a few things to try, and wants mom back in 3 weeks to see if things are helping. Before mom gets a 'food peg' [or stomach tube], we are going to try a few other things first. Is that day coming? Yes. Is it closer than we'd like to believe? Probably yes. However, mom is so uncomfortable, and after today we have hope that things will be possibly more comfortable for her. We'll keep ya posted on what new things we try next!

Mom's gift

First of all, I am SO sorry I haven't written in a few days! We've been insanely busy here, as usual, and I just couldn't find the time. I am happy to say the class is over...and I got an A!! Not too bad for super last minute, but these past few days I've been in serious recovery mode. I'm back now, so I'll be playing catch up with pictures tomorrow, but wanted to update you all before another day passed!

This is a quilt mom gave this past week to Ben and Cortney.

Caleb helps unwrap 'Gamma Joy's' gift
My mother's dear friend, Carrie, finished this quilt for Ben & Cortney. It has many shades of green, and is absolutely gorgeous!!!!! Mom wanted to finish it herself, just didn't have the time; so dear Carrie has helped mom fulfill her dream of giving this in person. What a blessing she is!!

Cortney & Arlene unfolding the quilt...Caleb trying to help!
Ben & Mom admiring the beautiful piece of art!!!

Cortney, Ben & Yvonne

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sleepy Mom...

I love my mom. She has put up with so much already, and this past week I've been on a HUGE caffeine rush as I frantically finish this class...oh, and I've been unable to help with her due to my poison ivy issue. Thank goodness for family!! There's just something pretty darn cool about that "unconditional love" thing! :) I am still working on the final draft of my research paper, but the final is taken...and I did pretty good! I'm a HUGE perfectionist so am kicking myself for not getting 100%, but missing one isn't bad...esp. considering this past week...I'll keep saying that over and over until it clicks. :)

Mom slept pretty good last night. She woke up at 2:15 am overheated, but once we got the blanket off of her and just a towel over her knees, she slept until 7 am! She occasionally wakes up for sips of water [this dry mouth stuff is beyond annoying], but was able to get right back to sleep. Yesterday was a big "mucus issue" day, as today has also been. We are going to start using the cough assist machine more often during the day in hopes to help keep the mucus from building up so hopes that the nights are easier on her. She is back to sleeping sitting up, which hurts her poor tush (but she looks so cute while she does it!). Poor thing...she just can't seem to ever give her tush a break.

We now require two caregivers/people to move mom; to help get her situated in bed, to get her to the bathroom, etc. (mom can't even push herself up in bed anymore). Have I mentioned lately how incredibly thankful I am for Arlene?!?!!!! I have been "unclean" all week, watching in amazement at the amount of care and sensitivity she shows mom. That is one great nurse, and a pretty darn special lady. My contagious rash is finally going away [hooray for steroids] and I am finally feeling much better and am looking forward to helping spell Arlene more. I can't help but wonder if this rash came along to help grant me the time needed for this class...but an angel flapping down here to help out instead would have been appreciated and a lot less itchy!

The other night [Tuesday?] a dear friend, Diane, brought over 2 of the cutest little kittens for mom to play with. They are about 12 weeks old [a boy, Fritz, and a girl, Fran] and though they enjoy playing, they were quite content to sleep in mom and Arlene's arms.

Towards the end of their visit, Fran woke up a bit and played with a shoestring mom had for her...too cute! We all enjoyed our visit from the little, fuzzy wonders. We're actually thinking of keeping them for a few days...Diane has rescued them [they are up for adoption!] and they just made mom smile so much!

Mom and I are currently sitting in the kitchen; me typing away for her, her trying [without much luck] to get comfortable in her chair, with her oxygen on. She had physical therapy today, so didn't get a nap in...she's so sleepy. Ok...another coughing fit in there. I really don't care for those...they are just downright scary. I love my mom so much...

It's raining again, and I'm happy to say my car is IN the garage!!! I know it's a silly thing, but I sure do love that car! ['s an '06 Toyota Rav4, blue..super cute. I'll post pics later for you!]

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Busy week...

I am so sorry I haven't updated you all in a few days. My class is going, but I'm feeling the pressure as it is all due this week! One big project done, another HUGE one and an exam to go...before Friday at 5:00. I'm hoping to be finished by tomorrow...don't need any more stress! I'll be glad when this is done...and next time? No classes while our lives are in such constant turmoil!! I didn't have a choice on this one, but definitely no more. The poison oak or ivy or whatever itchy thing I have it getting better, but I still can't help much with mom. I had to go to the Dr. to get a signature for my job this fall, so while I was there had him check it out. I'm now all all kinds of pills and creams, and must admit, I'm SO glad...I was going crazy!

So...update on mom. We've had another few rough nights here. This is such a weird disease...every day is truly different, which doesn't help with those of us trying to take care of her. We NEVER know what to expect. Arlene has been beyond amazing, filling in extra full time while I'm "unclean" and unable to actually touch mom [though the thought of her itching like this is beyond cruel!]. I know she's beyond exhausted and is in desperate need for a break as well.

It's taking at least 2 people over an hour to get mom settled into bed at night...and then there's no guarantee she won't have to get up in the middle of the night. Once she's IN bed, there is usually at least one hour of coughing/spitting/etc...sometimes 2-3 hr. Trying to keep her on a strict schedule is proving to be the biggest challenge. We are all so tired...but we are really trying to get her bathed by 9 pm at the latest, so she can be settled hopefully between 10-10:30, and hopefully done with the "issues" and ready for sleep by 12:00. I wish she could just fall asleep...she needs it so badly, as do the rest of us!! We have a ways to go with the scheduling issues...but we really are trying. I'm continually thankful for Arlene, as there is NO way I could still be doing all of this. Mom has gone so far past what I'm able to do, I truly need Arlene's nursing skills. However, also need to get her some breaks...if this silly rash would just go away!

I'll send more updates asap...class is currently coming first!

Here's mom's verse for the day: "The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms..." Deuteronomy 33:27.

"Look, Gamma Joy...I'm in your chair!!!"

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Mom's quotes for the day: from St. Francis de Sales..."Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow; the same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it."

'The significant, life-forming times are the dull, in-between times...not the times on the mountain, the great hurrahs.'

From Oswald Chambers..."The height of the mountaintop is measured by the drab drudgery of the valley. It's in the sphere of humiliation that we find our true worth to God, that there's where our faithfulness is revealed."

From Mom, to all of you...
''I want to say a special thank you to you all for all of your prayers, thoughtful cards, letters, emails, etc. I hate that I'm too weak to talk or write to you myself, but wanted to let you know how greatly I appreciate the thoughtfulness and prayers. God bless you all!"

Here's a current update...
First of all, I'm sorry I didn't write yesterday. I am supposed to be taking an on-line class that I must have, and due to all the things going on here, I forgot about it! So, I have this next week to catch up, 2 papers due in the next 3 days...and my final is on Thursday! oops. Good thing I work well under pressure. The poison oak [we think] is still there, driving me crazy!! I'm not allowed to touch mom, as her with this rash would be horrible! But, this does allow me time to finish this class.

Mom slept 2 nights straight with the oxygen, but last night was a bad one. She was up almost all night coughing with her mucus issue. She is so tired today...wish we could figure out what on earth is causing all this! She's currently laying down for a nap...hopefully she'll be able to get some much needed rest.

Other than that, things are pretty much the same here. No tornado's in the past few days, which makes us all happy! Will catch you up again tomorrow!

Grammy Joy

My older brother, Ben, and his beautiful wife Cortney, have the cutest little boy ever...little Caleb. After dad died, we looked at Caleb and realized that babies are God's way of showing us the world should go on. [a quote from Carl had this on a plaque in our house for years...guess that's where we got it from!] Caleb is a miniature Ben, mom's like watching Ben in replay! He's always on the go, with incredible curiosity and a memory that amazes us all. He repeats every word he hears, and remembers the smallest details. He's a smart kiddo, and beyond cute...he truly should be a GAP baby model! He is the joy of all our lives, and makes 'Grammy Joy' smile...and laugh a lot with his cute little sayings.

Caleb loves to play with his train, one that mom's dad built for us kids. He pulls the little wood train all over the place, putting his cars in one box car, his planes in another, and sometimes a pine cone in one.

Caleb loves climbing into Grammy Joy's lap and listening to a story. His most favorite thing lately, is to ride along in the electric wheelchair with one condition..."I buckle, Gamma Joy...I buckle." [hooks the seat belt on the two of them]. Off they go, riding down the street, looking at all the mailboxes. Needless to say, this is beyond adorable...I love those two!!! =)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Oxygen is good!!

Last night mom had oxygen all night long for the first time. She went to bed around midnight due to the storms, and only woke up at 3 AM because she was hot. She pulled the sheet off, and went back to sleep! She woke up again at 8:50!!!!! Believe me, this is so incredibly rare...I am loving the oxygen!

Due to the storms, our night aide couldn't make it, so I sat up with mom. Actually, I thought the idea of trying to sleep sitting up was silly, so I pulled her old hospital mattress in [yep, the one we've been under during the tornado sirens] and slept on the floor. Comfortable? No...but better than the chair! Think I'll be taking a nice nap today. Mom and Arlene are both doing well this morning, putting their heads together to figure out what this weird rash I have on my shoulder is. The conclusion? Poison sumac or ivy...all I know is that today it itches...and spread. Hooray for something else to worry about!! Sigh...never a dull moment here, that's for sure!!!

Today should be an easier day [except for wanting to scratch my skin off!]. Only a physical therapy appointment for mom. I think Arlene is going to be calling about scheduling the stomach peg for mom [see 'Tornado Fun' blog below] and trying to find a doctor who has done a lot of these types of procedures. That part isn't so fun. It worries us if the doctor is a rookie at these...can't help but wonder why they call the medical field "practice!" Like my dad always said...we want to know the grades they got in college...did they ace the stomach peg part or just pass it? Poor mom again...she has always been terrified of malpractice and the medical field [saw too many while a nurse!] and here she is, having to rely on them.

Well, that's it for now. I'm off to try to save my skin! So not nice...the ladies are laughing at me!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tornado fun

Well, the first batch of bad weather has come and gone, and we are all ok...except for me. I am incredibly upset about my poor car that is stuck outside!! We had some huge hail fall that should have broken windows on the house. I think I would rather have had that happen then anything to my car!! Sigh. I am thankful we are all ok, but it's my car!!!!!! Maybe it's ok...

My aunt and uncle are camped in the basement, but without my brothers and their muscles here, we can't get mom down the stairs. So, she and I are chillin' in the hallway, with her hospital bed mattress over her head. I figure if the roof comes off, I'll duck under with her as much as possible! Neither of us can remember having storms quite this bad go through here. Not fun. So, as we huddle under a mattress, we are trying to figure out the best state to live in with minimal natural disasters!! Not coming up with many. =)

Last night mom had an overnight oximeter test...basically, tests her oxygen levels. Normal is around 96, which is where she is during the day. When a storm woke us all up at 3 AM, she saw it was reading 80...not good. So, she will qualify for medicare to cover oxygen for the evenings. They called with the results today...her lowest point was 79 during her deepest sleep...really not good. Medicare requires a person go at least to 88 points in order for them to cover the cost [don't get me started on Medicare! =)]

This afternoon, mom had a Forced Vital Capacity {FVC} test. This measures her pulmonary, or lung function. Last December, mom was at 115% percent. Today she measured 62.5%. Not necessarily the best of news, but we knew it was going to be low because her diaphragm is so weak. Mom has to do a 'food peg,' or stomach tube before it reaches 50% [so she can still qualify as safe for anesthesia]. So, guess that's going to be our next "adventure." Mom can still eat fine, but according to Arlene and other nurses, it's important to have this tube so we can make sure she's getting the proper protein and nutrition. This will help keep her skin from breaking down and getting sores, and from her getting dehydrated. It was a discouraging day, but not unexpected...just frustrating.

Well, the worst of the storm has passed, and we are all still ok. The roof is even still on the house! We are blessed, as we know there are those out there who were hit hard tonight. Count your blessings...I'm now going to run out in the rain and check on that adorable car of mine!!! =)

Mom's verse for the day: "I will both lay me down in peace and sleep, for Thou, O Lord, only makest me to dwell in safety."

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The not so fun stuff...reality

Ok. So, I know this stuff isn't fun to talk, write, or hear about, but...this is the reality of how this disease has affected mom. She's had nerve tinglings as far back as 11 years ago, so all things considered, this disease has been slower than with most people. There are 2 kinds of that affects speech first [bulbar kind] and one that affects the muscles in the arms and legs first. This is the one mom has. She first noticed fine motor loss in her left hand...then watched, helpless, as her muscles slowly atrophied. Then, her left arm started to go. At Christmas of '06, she noticed slight dragging of her toes and hyper-extending knees, and was concerned. Now? Her left arm is affectionately referred to as "jello arm"-she can only lift her left arm a wee bit, with her shoulder. We usually move her arm for her.

Around that same Christmas, Mom had started losing her balance and falling. Now? She can stand up with assistance...and as long as her chair is locked behind her, she can lean on the kitchen table and stretch her legs. Last week? She could stand up by herself. Not so anymore. Also, her lower legs are incredibly swollen. She sleeps in a hospital bed with her legs elevated, but as soon as she's been sitting up for any length of time, the swelling returns. This is caused in part by the lack of muscle in her legs, and part from not walking and exercising the muscles. She said it feels the same as when your feet first fall asleep and then tingle when waking up. But, for her, the tingling never stops. This causes incredible discomfort. The hardest part of this disease, is that every single day something else changes. We never truly know what to expect.

ALS causes an excess mucus issue. It's not in mom's lungs, so our cool cough assist machine doesn't help her. This stuff sits right on her vocal cords, and causes her to cough all the time. It's sticky, so coughing doesn't always work right away. This constant coughing has made her voice incredibly weak. Her speech is starting to slur as her face and neck muscles get weaker. Mom's head feels heavy and hard to hold up, and she can only sit up for about an hour at the table, then needs her electric wheelchair where she has a back and head rest. The problem there, is that she can never get comfortable. She's gotten quite tiny, and no one in our family was blessed with much to sit on in the first place!! She gets hot spots on her seat from sitting too long, and is constantly having to change positions.

The most recent change, other than no longer being able to stand by herself, is her diaphragm is getting weaker...much weaker. When she coughs, we have to place our hand on her chest, by her diaphragm, and push up with each cough. This mucus is always a problem. Mom can be sitting, reading, and enjoying her book and the next thing you know, she's choking. The fear of choking is a very real fear for her. Because of the severity of this, we can never be very far from her. She can't talk very loud, so when she needs us, we have to be able to hear her cough. Though she can still talk, it's hard for her to talk very long, as her diaphragm is so weak...she just gets so tired.

Oh yeah...forgot one! Dry mouth. When mom isn't struggling with this mucus stuff at night, she gets a horrible dry mouth. If she's sleeping, this wakes her up, she gets a drink, then dozes again...only to wake up in another half hour. And no, I'm not exaggerating the time there! There are some nights mom actually sleeps the night through!! Most nights, she gets between 1-3 hours...the rest is spent spitting/coughing or drinking. After these nights, she is so incredibly exhausted, she can hardly function. So, we nap as much as possible, which also helps with her swollen feet. We have finally realized we can't do this alone...even with Arlene and I both working around the we have night aides full time now. I still get up if they need help lifting mom if she needs to get up or better positioned [I'm younger...can handle lack of sleep better than Arlene can!], but for the most part, I'm now getting at least 5 hours of sleep!! I feel like a new parent...sleep is very precious and keeps me pleasant! =) Now, if I could just give mom some of my sleep...

Mom isn't afraid to leave this earth and us kids behind...she grieves this. She isn't afraid to die, in fact there are times I know she's praying to go in her sleep. What she is afraid of? Not of dying, but of the process of getting there. As she said this morning, "this slow dying is what is so's hard to sit around and know I'm dying slowly, when I'm ready to meet my heavenly Father. I want to enjoy my time left, and yet I'm too miserable to truly enjoy life. Every day is so filled with discomfort, it's very hard to keep positive."

Yet another aspect of this disease is tears...every patient cries...a lot. Anything can trigger the tears; a thought, word, memory, song, scripture, seeing her adorable grandson...anything. The nerves are basically "wacko" and she has no control over them. The tears aren't always a sign of depression, they can be joy as well...but this creates yet more mucus, a stuffy head, and yes...more coughing and choking. Poor mom. I personally think she's doing absolutely wonderful. Her ability to stay positive amazes me. I know she doesn't feel strong, but I don't either...each day we rely on God's strength, and that's what keeps us going...and the hope that the BEST is yet to come!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Mother's Day, 2008

Mom's youngest, David, is currently living in Illinois. He came home for Mother's Day, which made mom smile from ear to ear!! He's our computer genius, so we always have something for him to fix. He has a great job out there, but we sure miss seeing him day to day.

Whenever any combination of us 'West siblings' get together, there is always much goofiness and fun times. Mom laughs at us quite a bit, and is constantly amazed at how well we all get along...finally!!! {I seem to remember us getting quite a bit of our goofiness from her, for the record! :) }

Here are my two pretty & my aunt Arlene. Arlene is the best nurse ever! We are all so grateful for her and Dick staying with us. Dick has a very dry sense of humor, and has suprised me with how funny he is! We are constantly teasing each other...again, making the other ladies laugh!
While David was home, the three of us sat around one night {with Arlene and my dear friend, Meghan} and recorded some of our favorite road trip & bedtime songs. The biggest challenge? Not laughing while doing so! {Are you sensing the theme...laughter is truly the best medicine! :)}

Though this whole experience has been way more than any of us ever imagined it would be, I wouldn't trade our time together. We were truly blessed with great parents, and an amazing mom. We are pretty darn fond of her...yep,'re truly stuck with us! :)

"Life is not measureed by the number of breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away."

Saturday, June 7, 2008


I have had some questions about what mom is able to eat. We have chosen to go mostly organic, cooking many things from scratch. [I am incredibly happy that I've finally mastered mom's homemade pancakes!!] Basically, chemical free food. Whole Foods grocery store has become a favorite [as almost everything they sell is organic, free of chemicals and range free for the meats], but our local grocery, Bakers, has gotten a pretty decent selection of organic foods in the past few months. Mom's body seems to be fighting this disease, so whatever we can do to help keep her system "pure," we are trying it. This does help keep us close to home, as most places do not offer the foods mom can eat.

She can still feed herself, with assistance in getting it all cut and with the final bites. We have a bunch of different vitamins she takes with each meal, which we adjust to her as her needs seem to change. So far, we feel this has made a HUGE difference in how she feels. Arlene and I take turns with the meal prep [though she mainly has I'm SUCH a morning person! :) ], though I really try to do as much of this as possible. I'm so incredibly thankful for the nursing help she gives, I like to help make her days easier.

Though this has been a change for us, we've all also noticed the benefits to eating healthier! Hooray for weight loss for us all!!! It feels good to be healthy. :)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Our mom...

Greetings dear family and friends! After trying for months to figure out a way to keep in touch with all of you and keep you all updated on mom, I've finally realized that this is probably the answer! I can hop online at anytime, write what's going on in our lives, and you all can read it at your own convenience! Perfect!!

Mom has been living back here in NE with me, in the family home, since fall of last year. My wonderful aunt Arlene and her husband Dick have been staying with us since January, and she is an absolute blessing. I have learned so much from her and her incredible nursing skills! She keeps such a wonderful eye on mom, making sure she's always comfortable, keeping track of all the complexities of this disease. I am so thankful for her!!

Let me back up. Here's a brief intro into our most complicated year. Back in the fall of '06, our mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. Being the girl, and having no full time work [I had just moved back from AK to spend time with family for a bit], I traveled to Portland to help mom through her surgery. She came through surgery with flying colors, and did all post-cancer treatments with a nutritional approach. I came back to NE for a bit, but mom was experiencing extreme fatigue while out in OR. She ended up having a heavy metals test and tested off the charts in lead, mercury and other metals. Mom had all of her mercury fillings removed and improved greatly! However, her balance was still getting worse, and she was starting to fall. After numerous tests, doctors finally diagnosed mom with ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease.

What is ALS? ALS (Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis), more commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a fatal neurodegenerative disease affecting some 5,000 new patients annually. The nerve transmissions from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles are blocked, causing the muscles to atrophy, or wither away. The brain is never affected, so no matter how weak a person gets or how much muscles atrophy, they are always aware and alert. The progression of deterioration is different with every patient, but the end result is always the same.

On June 16, 2007 we were shocked to wake up and learn that our father had slipped off to heaven in his sleep. Mom was able to come to the funeral, still walking, but with some assistance. The service was a beautiful celebration of his life and those he held dear to his heart. After the funeral, mom flew back to OR, and I quickly followed with my car. I stayed with her throughout the summer, helping her get to appointments and downsizing/packing up her house. Ben, my older brother, came out to OR for a family vacation with his own family and in-laws. At the end of their time, he helped drive the truck back to the family home here in Bellevue, NE. Mom and I have been here ever since, getting her settled and trying to stay on top of her ever changing needs.

Since coming back to NE, mom's needs have definitely changed. Her body has gotten much weaker, and though she can still stand up and try to stretch her legs, she is definitely in a wheelchair full time. I will continue from this point in updating you on life here.

I would like to close with one of mom's favorite Bible verses...Ps. 91. "He that dwelleth in the secret place shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." Though this has been a difficult year, it has been one filled with many blessings. We look forward to not only keeping you posted on mom's condition, but also of the many blessings God is giving us.

Love to you all!